dinsdag 11 januari 2011

Chameleon Chair

The 60 Layers of Cake Foundation last year came up with a new purpose for the thousands of kilos of scaffolding sheets, used as advertising; it was turned into design. The foundation – part of advertising agency 60 Layers – organized a contest among designers to transform the PVC sheets into new products. The contest was dubbed ‘Re:Frame’. The winning design – the ‘Chameleon Chair’ – by Roos Kalff was built from a steel frame and more than 200 square meters of advertising sheet. The chair can be changed in colour and design by flipping the sheets over. The second prize went to ‘Pillow Up’, as set of pillows designed by Emma Klinkenberg. The best designs were exhibited during the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, last October, and the winners were included in a book about the entire scaffolding sheet project. The book, recently published in a limited run of 500 copies, was created by Martin Pyper and covered in scaffolding sheet, so that every copy is unique.

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